100% nature!
Eco-sustainability inside and out
Faced with the environmental challenge caused by pollution, there is no us and them. We are all responsible and called to make our contribution, together we can create a network to raise awareness and preserve the environment and nature.
Producing sustainable plastic-free packaging in the fruit and vegetable sector is our contribution, the most concrete answer we can give.

Fossil-based packaging of food products, especially for fruit and vegetables, is a reality we live in every day, devastating the health of our planet since they are a contributor to the introduction of tons of daily waste into the environment.
Most of these materials are laminated, (those with the symbol ‘other 07’) which cannot be recycled. The rest are mono-materials (PP, PET, PE, HDPE, PS, PVC), which when not properly recycled create disturbing pollution since they are almost indestructible, at most they crumble into microplastics that have already become part of the human food chain causing health problems and huge health costs.
The transition to sustainable packaging, considered by many to be a trend or a fad, is a necessity!

The European community calls for the elimination of air, water, and soil pollution. In our case, the subject refers to flexible packaging placed in the market to be environmentally sustainable, recyclable, biodegradable/compostable. (European New Green Deal)
Unfortunately, the resilience of large multinationals continue to produce and sell plastic where it is no longer needed.
The most virtuous companies produce RPET (PET from recycling), most of them produce laminated, pseudo green materials, that hide plastics making them unrecognizable, non-recyclable, or recyclable only in industrial environments through circuits that do not exist at all.
Then there are companies that are guilty of the so-called “green washing” or an ecological attitude only to look good.
We produce flexible packaging on a daily basis for the packaging of fresh, dried and frozen fruit and vegetables.
It is our mission, our business, and we have taken up the challenge and made decisions to have a sustainable, recyclable, plastic-free certified material, to safeguard the health of the planet and all those who inhabit it.

100% natural inside and out!
Our wrapping is not simply PLASTIC FREE; it is composed of PAPER and cellulose hydrate, the best of plant based material in the world for transparency and “home compostable” certified. Everything is completely disposable in the paper circuit.
It is made with FSC-certified raw materials from renewable sources, all the paper is recyclable and if it ends up in the sea it is certified biodegradable/compostable.
Our material is ideal for packaging fruit and vegetable products from 0 to 2.5 kg dry or wet because it is breathable; the texture of the paper is a natural barrier against the proliferation of bacteria / viruses and oxidation from UV rays.
Its porosity creates an ideal microclimate for maintaining freshness, extending the shelf-life of products, whilst being an airtight package, it protects the contents from external agents.
Our paper is heat-sealable and printable with certified water-based materials, usable on existing packaging machines with thermal sealing bars.
We use virgin Kraft paper from FSC certified forests, forests that transform carbon dioxide into oxygen during the growth phase due to chlorophyll photosynthesis.
Produced in a circular economy with zero residual circular economy.
” INKARTA, a small gesture, a great result! “
FSC certified, Aticelca 501/20 class A.
Din Certco water based certificate.
TUV Certificate.
Certified Home compostable hydrate of cellulose.